How Do You Know When Your Feline Is In Pain?
When you are in pain, you know it, but it doesn't always necessarily mean others do. Pain does not always manifest externally, and many have the ability to mask their pain. Masking pain and discomfort is something that cats are able to do very well. This is an advantage when cats are in the wild, but when cats are pets inside homes, it can be a problem because the owner has no idea that the cat is in pain. So, as a cat owner, how do you know that your cat is pain so that you can do something about it? Here are some common signs that will let you know that your cat is in pain.
Activity Level Changes
When your cat becomes less active or sleeps more often than usual, it could be a sign that your cat is in discomfort. When cats are dealing with arthritis, they are often reluctant to jump high or change positions. On the other hand, felines may get a bit more active because they are in pain. They may get up and down a lot, be extremely restless, have difficulty getting comfortable, etc.
When you hear your cat growling or hissing, you know he or she is unhappy. However, did you know that purrs and meows can indicate that your cat is in pain as well? Aside from pleasure, some felines will purr when they are hurt or scared.
As a general rule, cats like to lick and bite when they are experiencing some sort of allergic reaction. However, if they are in pain, they may repetitively lick or bite that area. In some cases, they will do it so much that a secondary trauma will occur, sometimes resulting in infections, loss of hair, etc.
Daily Routine Changes
Cats have daily routines that they like to follow. For example, cats will eat a certain amount of food each day, and if they stop eating as much, it could indicate that it is hurting them to eat, they are experiencing nausea, etc. If your cat has stopped using the litter box, it could be a result of it being too painful to get in and out of the litter box.
If you notice any of the aforementioned signs or any other abnormal behavioral signs in your feline, it is important to contact a local animal hospital immediately for a thorough examination to find out what is wrong with your cat. For more information, contact local clinics like Cats Only Veterinary Hospital.